How to get rid of Sleep Apnea?

Sleep apnea is a serious sleep disorder in which a person feels difficult to breathe during the sleep. This is a situation in which person’s breathe pauses as many times at night and can even affect your relationship. This means brain and the rest of the body may not get enough oxygen. People of any age can be affected with this problem. Some cases may be mild but some are severe. This has to be diagnosed and treated with proper options. A sleep study is necessary for the better understanding of sleep pattern. Otherwise your partner’s sleep will also be disrupted.

There are 2 types of Sleep Apnea:

Obstructive Sleep Apnea – This is a situation in which airway frequently becomes obstructed, restricting the amount of air that reaches your lungs. Hence the tissue in the back of the throat collapses during sleep.

Central Sleep Apnea – Sleep apnea due to signaling problem causes central sleep apnea. Here the airway is not blocked but brain fails to send proper signals to muscles for breathing.

Sleep apnea can make you wake up in the morning feeling tired or exhausted even though you have had a sound sleep. If this is left untreated, you may a victim of severe health problems like stroke, heart failure, diabetes, depression or other mental inabilities.

There are different methods of treating sleep apnea. CPAP therapy is one of the solutions for snoring and other sleeping disorders. We would suggest some minimal invasive treatment for normalizing the breath on sleeping. Although CPAP is the most common and dependable method of handling sleep apnea, some people find it cumbersome or uncomfortable. It is said that men are likely to affect sleep apnea than women.

Another solution for sleep apnea treatment is surgery. The surgeon may take out tonsils, adenoids, or additional tissue at the back of the throat or inside the nose, recreate the jaw to expand the upper airway, or embed plastic rods to the soft palate. This may have risks or complications after the surgery. Dental devices can be used for mild sleep apnea. It is very important to consult a dentist specialized in this field for proper analysis and monitoring. As technology progresses, each day new advancements are emerging in this industry.

By | 2018-04-19T10:23:54+00:00 March 15th, 2018|Diagnosis and treatment|Comments Off on How to get rid of Sleep Apnea?



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